Feel like there’s a lot of myths out there about what “safe sex” is? We’re here to give you the FACTS.

The truth is that using protection doesn’t always rule out the possibility of contracting an STI. Condoms are 98% effective against most STIs, but don’t protect you from all STIs that can spread from skin-to-skin contact.

The truth about pregnancy is that even when a woman is menstruating, she can still become pregnant. Sperm can survive up to seven days.

Want to have a REAL conversation about “safe sex”? Call or text us today!

Coping with breakup anxiety

Ending a romantic relationship is complicated. That’s why it’s important to find someone you can trust to talk about your feelings. When a romantic relationship ends, anxiety is real if you’re wondering:

  • Do I have an STI?
  • Should I get tested before I start a new relationship?
  • Could I be pregnant?

We give CONFIDENTIAL and FREE information. Don’t feel like coming in for an appointment? Try our private text line at 660-254-3399. We’re here to help answer your questions without judgement.


Finals week can the most stressful week for a female college student. You might not even realize how much stress can affect the body.

Here are some tips and facts that can help you prepare for your insane week!

1. Start early. Even if you are the type of person to study the night before and ace your tests, start studying now! This will relieve your stress for next week and allow more time for other classes and maybe evendown town to unwind.

2. Eat healthy. If you are staying on top of eating the right foods, your body will feel much better than if you are eating junk food. This will help give your body and mind more energy and motivation to stay focused until the last day of school.

3. Stay well-rested. While all your friends may be pulling all-nighters to study for their exams, keeping your sleep schedule as regular as possible. Doing so will only increase your chances of getting a higher grade. Aiming to get at least 6 hours of sleep will also increase your energy for each long day of finals.

4. Period. When females are undergoing a large amount of stress, it can affect their period by making it shorter, longer, or you may not get it at all. This will only add to your amount of stress that you don’t need! It is better to just keep your stress levels down as much as you can so your period is not affected.

5. Concentration. When the body is undergoing stress it may become more difficult for the mind to focus and retain information. Finals week is not the time to lack the ability to retain information. Relieving stress any way you can will help you focus better.

6. Weak immune system. A physical reaction to stress can be a weaker immune system. Your body’s ability to fight off disease decreases. When your body is tired and you are not eating right, this will also cause the immune system to not be working as hard. Keeping on top of these few things will keep you away from the doctor during finals.

7. Relax. Even though normally during finals week you don’t relax, but give yourself some time each day to relax, this will increase your happiness and keep you from becoming anxious. This can include any hobbies that you enjoy doing or taking time for yourself each day.

8. Exercise. Exercise has been proven to be a perfect way to deal with stress and even depression. During finals week, you are probably not at your happiest. Being active will increase your spirits and allow your body to release those very tense emotions.

9. Take a break. If you are the type of person that needs to study for hours up on hours, then do so but remember to give yourself a break. This will allow your brain to relax and possibly retain more information. Get a coffee or some chocolate to give your body some fuel before studying longer.

10. Plan something fun. Yes, it’s the craziest week of the school year, take a few minutes to plan something fun for the beginning of summer with your friends. Whether you’re staying at your college town or going home for the summer, plan an adventure that you can do after your finals are over with. This can help motivate you to get through the week.

10 signs you’re in love with him

The feeling of being in love is different for everyone. Those who have experienced it can say that it is both exciting and scary.  If you are ready to see if you are in love with him, keep reading.

1) You talk about the future together. You and your significant other don’t find it strange to be talking about what you two will be doing one or two years down the road. You both know that each other will be there to enjoy the future together.

2) You feel safe when you’re around him.  In other words, he feels like home.

3) You want to share all your favorite things with him. You want him to know all there is to know about you.

4) Everything reminds you of him. The tiniest most random things can make you think of him and a smile will almost always come across your face when he comes to mind.

5) You want to talk about him constantly. Friends and family will start to realize how much of an important part of your life he is.

6) You want to get to know his friends and family. Getting to know the most important people in his life will help grow your relationship deeper by making those connections. Plus, he will be talking to these people about you, and you want them to know who you are and more importantly like you.

7) You consider him your best friend. Even the best relationships start out as friendships. Friendships consist of all the great thing a relationship needs, honesty, trust, loyalty..etc. A life partner is a best friend.

8) You have fun when you are with him. No matter what you are doing or where you are, you can always laugh and have a good time. You are 100% comfortable being yourself.

9) When times are hard, you never give up. When there are struggles in life, you don’t want to walk through it with anyone else but him. Whether it is difficult times in your life or his, you are willing to stick it out with him with no matter what life throws at you.

10) He scares you. You know that in your heart, you are in love with him and the thought of losing him scares you. If you weren’t afraid of losing him, are you really in love?



When it comes to relationships, many of us go through the experience of having an unhealthy one. We hope that after we experience a toxic relationship, we know what to look for the next time and what to avoid. Sometimes people don’t see the bad part of the relationship and stay unhappy with someone they shouldn’t be with. Here are some signs that you should look for in an unhealthy relationship:

1) Physical/Emotional/Verbal Abuse. Whether it was a drunken act of abuse, a hard shove against the wall, or constant abuse- the truth is the relationship is broken. Your significant other should be someone who protects you and makes you feel safe; not someone who you are scares you or makes you feel uneasy when your around them. Not only is there physical abuse, there is emotional and verbal abuse. These two can truly affect a person’s heart and mind and change how a person’s acts towards their significant other. There should be zero physical, emotional, verbal abuse in a relationship.

2) Cheating. There should never be cheating when you are in a committed relationship it can ruin the trust you have for that person. There are ways to restart and work on fixing a relationship, but only if both people want to continue to be in a committed relationship with one another and no one else.

3) The relationship is unbalanced. If there is one person in the relationship that is “wearing the pants”, then it is time to cut it off. You are not in a relationship anymore, it is one person controlling the other. Don’t let anyone control you; if you are feeling under-appreciated or worthless while you are making your significant other feel special, then it is unbalanced.

4) It’s only physical. If the only thing in your relationship is sex and physical attraction, it will NOT last. Only caring about the physical stuff in the relationship is mentally unhealthy for both partners. Look for someone who cares about more than just physical attraction; someone that cares about you.

5) If it brings you more pain than joy. Sometimes it is hard to see a relationship that started off good, fall apart. You may only think of the good times and not realize that you are not happy with your significant other anymore. Once you realize that you are constantly unhappy, frustrated, or upset more often than you should be, then this person might not be for you. Search for someone that strives to make you happy all the time.

6) If he/she is expecting you to change. In a relationship there should be unconditional love. With this, there should be no judging or requesting change from the other person. If they are asking you to change for your well-being that is different. If they are asking you to change things such as how you dress or how you act, then they don’t respect you.

7) You are bored. In a relationship, there should be feelings of excitement and joy. If you feel like you are going through the motions with your significant other, then leave. Find someone who brings fun into the relationship. You should be having fun even when you aren’t doing anything.

8) You have forgotten who you are. Losing yourself in a relationship is a huge risk when it comes to long-term relationships. A person can start only focusing on their significant other and then all of a sudden you don’t know what you like or who you are anymore. Always stay in tune with yourself. You should find someone who pushes and challenges you to be the best version of yourself, not someone that causes you to lose yourself.

9) Jealousy. If there is too much jealousy in the relationship, then it is doomed. If your partner is trying to control you and is jealous of every person you talk to- it is time to end the relationship. If your partner is constantly questioning your conversations and actions with other people- its jealousy. With jealousy comes trust; if you or your partner is jealous it means there is no trust in the relationship.

10) Different paths. When two people go onto different paths in life, it can be a problem for their relationship. There are times when you are growing and experiencing life, and your partner is not. With that, there is no way to truly connect with your partner. There are times when this relationship can still work, but more often it does not


It’s kind of hard to find a true “best friend” nowadays. There’s so much competition for acceptance and love that it has changed the true meaning of friendship. But then everything works out perfectly in the world and you seem to have found the person that knows you the best; your BFF (best friend forever).


1) They support you. You feel the support. You support each other’s growth and decisions in life. A best friend is there to always push you to be better than you already are.

2) No pretending. Your friendship is so solid that no matter what either of you do, it won’t affect your relationship. You accept each other for the way that you are. Nothing can alter that.

3) You can speak your mind. You don’t have to tiptoe around a situation, you can say exactly what’s on your mind to her face. You can both say your opinion without be offended, while valuing what the other person has to say.

4) No bad blood. You’ll always have little tiffs and misunderstandings with your best friend, but they are never permanent. You both are able to talk it out and continue your friendship as if nothing happened.

5) There’s never a dull moment. All you need is each other to have the best time of your life… even doing nothing. Wherever or whatever you both are doing, you can make it a good time.

6) Complete trust. You can trust this person with your life. You can always tell them your secrets and you know it will only stay with them.

7) You’re in each other’s future. You can’t even picture a future without them. You want them there for every large or small event you have in life.

8) They’ve always been there. You always have those friends that come and go, but they are the one person that has stuck through it all. They weren’t just a middle school or high school friend, they are becoming a significant part of your life-a best friend.

9) Your go-to person. This person you go straight to when the most amazing thing just happened to you, or the worst. They are always there to listen and help you with anything. If you’re in trouble, their response is, “On my way!”.

10) You treat each other as part of the family. Since you are spending the most time with this person it is likely your family will get to know them as well. Having your bestie be an “official” member of your family can only mean your family members like them as much as you do. Solidifying this person is someone you should hang on to.